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Google Summer of Code 2020

GSoC | August 25, 2020

I participated in Google Summer of Code 2020 (second time in a row), and got to do some really exciting work and improvements to the macports-webapp

Golang vs Object Oriented Programming Languages

GO , OOPs | July 9, 2020

A comprehensive discussion on the basics of OOPS and how differently they are implemented in Golang.

Running Jupyter Notebook on IIT BHU's SuperComputer, ParamShivay

Python , Systems , IITBHU | June 9, 2020

An easy solution to transfer the load of heavy compuations from your machine to a supercomputer, while maintaining the simplicity of writing code in Jupyter Notebook.

Golang vs C++: Understanding Strings

Programming , GO , C++ | May 9, 2020

New to Golang and trying to analyse how it is different from the languages you are coming from? Let's compare strings in Golang to strings in C++, and see some under-the-hood stuff.

GSoC'19: Wrapping up the Project

GSoC | August 22, 2019

As the three months of my GSoC'19 under MacPorts come to an end, here is the report of the project.

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